Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fighting by myself

I was looking at prostheses, and thinking of them as independent , mimicking the body, but being separate, a non-connected extension. They should have some more agency. Rather than moving them myself, I was looking for motion, energy by nature (sun, wind, water, gravity).

I have started playing with foam, and then memory foam. Twisting it into shapes, securing it with wire. The results just sat there. Stable, dead. But they did possess the memory of motion.

By manipulating the foam with some force to push it through metal frames, or make it bend upon itself in a certain way, I became more aware my force. Compressing the foam and quickly wrapping wire to get the right points of contact.

I fought the foam. It’s life was in its tension. I gave it life by contraction, and then when I release it inevitably blossomed.

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